Monday, June 3, 2019

I love her, bye guys!

Okay, I'm starting to see a trend.

Can we please stop having heroic characters retire, abandon their friends at a key moment, to go off and find true love. It's why I didn't care for Steve Rogers' MCU ending.

Now it looks like they're doing it to Cisco Ramon (Vibe) in the Flash. Which has me actually hoping they're really pulling the "Hero gives up powers, then regrets it" storyline instead. I've never liked that line, but...

Getting married should not mean giving up who you are. And it certainly shouldn't mean abandoning your friends. If the person you're marrying asks that of you, they're abusive.

And if they explicitly asked you not to do it...what does that make you?

This particular ending for heroes supports both toxic monogamy and the poisonous (in my mind) idea that getting married is the end of a story not the beginning.

Can we nip this one in the bud?

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