Monday, June 4, 2018

Deadpool 2 Thoughts - Spoilerriffic

First, the non spoiler thoughts.

The sequel stood up to the original, but was a bit darker. Yes, darker. In fact, it probably makes me a horrible person that I liked it so much.

Kind of in the Cards Against Humanity sense.

The movie had two messages.

One was the importance of family.

The other, laced through the jokes, was "Just because you don't like somebody doesn't make you a bigot." I can think of quite a few people who need to learn that particular lesson.

Additionally, I loved their Domino. She was awesome.

Oh, and if you haven't seen it stay to the end. The VERY end. Stay until they literally run out of "film." Or you'll miss something that probably has John Cleese in his retirement home going "Why didn't I think of THAT?"

Now for the spoilers.









Still here?


Spoilerrific thing #1: Vanessa.

They fridged her.

Except they really didn't.

First of all, it was obvious to anyone who saw the first movie and understands the particular brand of humor here that...well...Vanessa was not going to stay dead.

Second of all, almost nothing in the movie would have changed if she had not died.

They fridged make a point about fridging characters. (And also likely because Bacharin is rather busy dating the Riddler...about which I'm quite disappointed there weren't any jokes).

To make the point that it's not necessary, because hey, we can use time travel to fix it and it doesn't make that much difference.

Spoileriffic thing #2: Sexuality.

You could squint sideways at Deadpool 1 and make an argument that Wade is straight.

Not the case this time. They were much more relaxed about Deadpool's sexuality. He hits on Colossus and there is just...nothing...heterosexual about his interactions with Cable. (Some of the coding might have been too subtle for people who don't know Deadpool has a thing for Cable).

And then there was Teenaged Negasonic Warhead showing up with a girlfriend. Specifically, Yukio, a rather obscure X char (although not as obscure as the comics version of Nega). Which gave an opportunity for one of those points about "Don't assume everything negative said is racist/homophobic/whatever" this movie liked to make. Other than that, it was just two teenagers dating. Nothing more, nothing less.

Spoileriffic thing #3: Did they really kill off Shatterstar or did Deadpool fix that too?

Spoileriffic thing #4: Why do I get the impression that at some point in this rather off timeline Deadpool maaaay just have done it with Wolverine? Or is that just me? Ahem.

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