Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pre-Balticon Updates

Okay. Balticon schedule as it stands right now. I've asked for one more panel, but I don't know if I'm going to get it. Also, it being Balticon, panel crashing and panel nappings do happen.

I'm going to try and tweet locations and stuff from my phone (@ninjafingers if you don't have me followed). I can tell you I leave tomorrow morning so will be around the hotel Thursday evening and Friday before the con.

Jennifer R. Povey (Accepted) Current as of 5/19 5:55 PM 

  • Expressions of Disability in SF (Panel) (Participant), Sat 12:00 - 12:50, Parlor 1041 (Hunt Valley Inn)
  • Titles Looking for Stories (Panel) (Participant), Sat 16:00 - 16:50, Salon B (Hunt Valley Inn)
  • Podcasters Against Humanity (Panel) (Participant), Sat 23:00 - 23:50, Chesapeake (Hunt Valley Inn)
  • Speaking in Public for Writers (Panel) (Moderator), Sun 15:00 - 15:50, Parlor 1041 (Hunt Valley Inn)
  • Reading: Collin Earl, Mike Luoma, Jennifer R Povey (Other) (Participant), Sun 18:00 - 19:00, Pimlico (Hunt Valley Inn)
For the curious, Collin Earl writes Young Adult stuff - his most recent book is a young adult dystopia called "Harmonics: Rise of the Magician."

Mike Luoma is a science fiction and comics writer who produces the Glow-In-The-Dark Radio Podcast.

I haven't decided what to read yet - I'm thinking of excerpts from Transpecial and the short stories The City Over Hell and For The Children, but I could do Water Golems (Steampunk Golem Fish) instead of one of those.

Other updates before I leave?

Just going to share this. Both of the Tangent reviewers loved A Star To Steer By!

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