Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Following instructions

I had an interesting one today - a new ezine asked for a picture of me with the submission. This is pretty unusual. Usually, editors only ask for pictures, if they plan on using them, at signing.

Truth is, they're probably trying to save time later by not having to ask for pictures. Or perhaps eliminate writers who are uncomfortable with providing them.

Many editors, however, include things in the submissions guidelines that seem strange initially to see if writers will follow instructions. They don't want to sign the writer from hell (although I speak from experience when I say that you can't predict a personality clash between writer and editor by any means), so they do a little test...it might be an unusual font, or a specific requirement for scene breaks.

It's always best to follow instructions, even if they initially seem silly. And it's not like anyone on social media can't find a picture of me anyway.

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