Wednesday, October 27, 2021

So, We Need to Not Look Like Seals

 New studies give strong support to the theory that when a great white shark bites a human, it's because they mistake you for a seal.

Specifically, it's young sharks...inexperienced hunters...making this mistake. Which shows that the best way to not get bitten is to find some way to telegraph "I am not a seal."

We're still working on that, but patterned clothing and surf boards/paddle boards is probably the way to go. Sharks don't see color, so we'll have to do it with stripes or whatever.

That way we can reduce shark bites without hurting the fact, as human is not tasty to sharks and they don't want to eat us, they will probably appreciate a nice big "I Am Not A Seal" notice so they can go find something far more delicious.

Coexisting with sharks matters.

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