Friday, April 15, 2022

Holoportation - it's Here

 So, what's holoportation?

Holoportation is a term NASA has coined (and I like it and am using it) for projecting a real time (ish) 3D image of a person to a distant location. This allows the person to communicate with those on site as if they were actually there. And it's here.

Quietly, NASA has been developing the technology, and have now holoported a medical doctor onto the ISS. The next step is to make the communication more two way and realistic.

NASA plans to use this technology to allow specialists who can't take the stress of a launch communicate more directly with astronauts. Also, while light speed lag will still be a problem, it might be used to allow astronauts on the journey to Mars to better communicate with their families. And adding touch is feasible. (Which means exactly what your dirty minds think it does. Ahem).

They also plan on using the technology to provide psychiatric services to astronauts on long trips.

On Earth, holoportation could be used in all kinds of ways. These might include telemedicine, having a relative who can't afford (or medically can't) travel for Thanksgiving be able to sit at the table and, of course, entertainment.

Maybe one day we'll have people sitting on panels at conventions by this means and the other panelists and moderator will be able to interact with them naturally. Ya know, when somebody has to cancel because their doctor won't let them fly.

I had no idea we had it. NASA has been so quiet about this one. But the possibilities...

(Also, this is the first step to the holodeck).

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