Wednesday, December 2, 2015

I Don't...

...normally care about, or even notice the National Board of Review awards - announced and presented so early they get sent pre-release copies of late releases.

I noticed this year because they did something that made me go O.O - and not in a bad way.

The NBR's pick for best movie of 2015?

Mad Max: Fury Road


It's a brilliant movie. But winning a non-genre award? (It's not my first pick for the Hugos - that would be The Martian - but I do plan on nominating it). I wasn't expecting that.

However, The Martian picked up a ton of awards - Ridley Scott for best director, Matt Damon for best actor and Drew Goddard for best adapted screenplay. (I still think The Hunger Games is the best adaptation ever, but Goddard did very well with tricky material).

Congratulations to all of the winners and everyone involved down to the intern who gets the coffee.

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