Monday, April 29, 2019

AwesomeCon Roundup

I spent most of the con "chained" to my table. My badge even read "Exhibit," not "Exhibitor," although that may also have been the furries.

It was still fun, though.

We're still arguing about the winner for Costume In Poorest Taste.

In my opinion, it's Porg Chef Chewbacca, but my friend thinks it was Bucky Barnes dressed as a Playboy Bunny.

Best costume, I'm leaning towards Doc Ock.

Most popular single costume was probably the Thirteenth Doctor, with Spider-Gwen second and Miles Morales third.

The heterosexual couples costume of the con was Daenerys and Jon Snow.

The most DC thing: Selective Service having a booth (and giving out Starburst candy, which is only funny to people who were at SPX a few years ago)...and down the aisle somebody was selling binders.

(By the way, can we have more people selling binders at cons? Might get some of the female crossplayers to stop with the ace bandages...yes, it's actually an issue).

Lots, and lots, and lots of assorted spiders, including, yes, all of the Into the Spider-Verse heroes. (Nobody was actually dressed as Spider-Ham that I saw, but I'm counting the Spider-Noir with the plus pig on his shoulder).

It's always interesting to see the costume trends and what is popular.

Oh, and then there was the moment of "That nondescript white guy looks vaguely like John Barrowman. Actually, he looks a lot like John Barrowman. Wait..."

(Yes, it was John Barrowman, sneaking around the con in plain clothes. No, he didn't buy a book).

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