Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Analyzing the Star Wars IX Trailer

This was supposed to be yesterday's post.

You can all understand why it wasn't.

The two minute teaser shows us several things:

1. Rey with a white lightsaber. Jedi lightsabers are traditionally blue or green. In extended canon, white lightsabers were used by Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars Rebel to indicate that she was neither Jedi nor Sith. This is a very, very clear indicator that Rey is acting as neither Jedi nor Sith. Does this imply that the Jedi Order itself is gone, defunct, obsolete - and to be replaced by something new? Luke was the last Jedi. something else. I've been liking this idea since Luke's "The Jedi must end" line. The destruction of the library also points to it. The Jedi Order is flawed, too deeply so to be allowed to survive.
2. Running with a lightsaber looks goofy. Hasn't your...oh wait, I guess Rey's mother didn't get the chance to tell her not to run with scissors.
3. John Boyega didn't change his hair back from Pacific Rim 2. Which is fine, Finn needed a post Stormtrooper hairdo, but I'm apparently very shallow because it was the first thing I noticed.
4. Lando Calrissian makes an appearance.
5. Leia makes an appearance. I may cry. (I almost did for the Stan Lee tribute at the start of Captain Marvel. I'm horrible for crying over dead celebrities).
6. Is that actually Palpatine?

My request: Please don't redeem Kylo. He had his redemption arc. He said no. Undoing that subversion would weaken The Last Jedi.

But he lied about Rey's parents.

Or did he?

That white lightsaber, though.

Here's a really out of the box thought.

Anakin was never the child of the prophecy. The Jedi thinking he was was what brought them down.

The child of the prophecy was Rey all along.

(This would fit a very common trope of "You were looking for a boy" which I admit I shamelessly used in Daughter of Fire).

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