Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Farms and Mines

So, this is actually old, but was just brought to my attention.

And it's right from my home town, so how did I miss it?

There is serious talk about using old coal mines as underground farms. These farms would allow year round production of certain crops, and faster production of crops. But they need shafts and the like near towns.

Thus, coal mines.

There's three very real advantages to this idea:

1. It really would produce a good amount of food, close to where people need it. This would reduce transportation costs and emissions.

2. Using old coal mines equals maintaining old coal mines equals fewer collapses that cause massive sink holes. And believe me, this is a problem in old mining areas.

3. This is exactly how we would have to farm on the moon or Mars, or anywhere else where you don't have a working ecosystem. Like...good practice.

So, yes. Let's turn our mines into farms. I like it.

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