Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Apollo 50

Yes, I'm well aware I should have posted this yesterday. Mea culpa.

50 years ago we put a man on the moon.

So, where's our moonbase? Why don't we have anyone on Mars yet?

The problems aren't technical, they're political. As a species we haven't been willing to sustain the effort of will it takes to develop a meaningful presence off of this planet. 50 years on, we have one small, aging space station that badly needs to be replaced.

We know a lot more about the universe than we did. We are finding exoplanets at a rapid rate. We have pictures of Pluto that are just amazing.

But we are still confined to one planet...and not doing a great job of looking after it.

Exploring space is still science fiction in any meaningful way. And no, I don't know how to change that except that we have to want it enough.

We including the people in power.

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