Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Germs in the...uh...brain

Apparently, we have bacteria living in our brains. If that creeps you out, then just remember knowing doesn't change anything.

In fact, the bacteria, which are concentrated in the hippocampus (memory), pre-frontal cortex (planning and personality) and striatum (voluntary movement) are probably part of who we are and why we are. Experiments with germ-free mice show alterations in social behavior and cognition, although those alterations aren't consistent, possibly related to husbandry and genetics. Some germ free mice show increases in anxiety, impairment in working memory, increased self-grooming time and possibly an inability to recognize familiar mice.

The very fact that the "germs" are hanging out in the parts of the brain associated with memory and personality is enough to make one wonder a couple of things:

1. Is there a link between brain microbiome and certain learning disabilities, especially autism spectrum disorders and dyspraxia?
2. Are we actually bacterial colonies puppeting around ape bodies? I know that's disturbing, but...

And can we introduce bacteria to the brain to help treat psychological disorders or even, yes, improve memory.

Sooo many story ideas.

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