Friday, May 17, 2013


Great review of Transpecial on Smashwords:

Other than that, I finished two short stories earlier this week. One has been submitted but I unfortunately found out the call on the other was actually geographically restricted *after* writing the story. I'm not quite happy with it, so it's gone on the rewrite stack.

I have some of my Balticon schedule, so if you want to catch me on panels:

Friday, 9:00pm - I MAY be on Never Have I Ever. The program says no, but my correspondence says yes.
Friday, 10:00pm, Salon B - Diversity in Genre Fiction.
Sunday, 12 noon, Salon B - Cthulhu Out of the Hat - Writing Prompts for the Deranged (although I'm not officially on the panel for the 11pm return to read YOUR stories, I'll be there whether it's official or not ;).
Monday, 10:00am, Parlor 1041 - Plotters vs. Pantsers. (By the way, I'm a pantser ;))

I'm hoping to get some stuff added to this and will have what should be a full list by Wednesday. Otherwise...well, I'll be around.


That schedule wasn't entirely accurate. Or rather, it's not complete. I don't have exact times, but you can also look for me in the Broad Universe Reading on Saturday, at Why Good Writing Still Matters, and doing a reading with J Sherlock Brown III.

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