Thursday, September 14, 2023

What Do Multiple Sclerosis, Celiac Disease, and Type I Diabetes Have in Common?

 A: They're all considered autoimmune diseases.

Second A: There's no cure.

Celiac disease can be managed by sticking to a very strict diet that generally precludes eating out or at parties. People with Type I diabetes have to use expensive insulin all the time.

What if we could cure all of these diseases?

A new technology may actually give us the answer. It's called an inverse vaccine. Instead of training your immune system to react to something, an inverse vaccine trains it to stop reacting.

Phase I safety trials have been carried out for celiac disease and are underway for multiple sclerosis.

The technology could also be used to treat Hashimoto's disease and other autoimmune thyroid conditions, pernicious anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and a wide variety of other currently incurable diseases.

It might not be a cure (it might be that people will need to receive "booster" shots to maintain things), but it's certainly better.

I know people with celiac disease and their lives would be changed by this. Let's make it happen!

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