Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Earth is Probably Not the Most Habitable Planet.

 It may be the most habitable planet for us because we evolved here. But scientists have done some math and shown that if Jupiter's orbit became a bit more eccentric, so would ours.

And counterintuitively, that would make Earth more habitable. Or would it? I'm actually not convinced, as their argument is that it would make cold parts of the planet warmer.

We're already seeing that's not a great thing. They are forgetting that the arctic holds a lot of biodiversity and our best fisheries.

Despite that, Earth is still probably not the most habitable planet in the universe. There are almost certainly exoplanets out there with gentler weather and seasons, or less radiation.

Here's the thing, though? I theorize that if you make a planet too habitable...too won't evolve intelligent natives. Intelligence is a form of extreme adaptability. If your planet doesn't change, you don't need it and won't develop it because it "costs" a lot in terms of energy.

What do people here think?

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