Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Wonderful Issue of Martian Dust

 One of the biggest problems for Martian colonists is likely to be dust. The fine dust of Mars is going to get everywhere. Without precautions, this will include the inside of your lungs, probably resulting in something similar to black lung or asbestosis over time.

But there's a couple of other issues too. During the Dust Bowl, people would hug...and there would be so much static electricity in the air that they would knock each other out. Given Martian dust creates sufficient static to result in dry lightning, it's fairly clear this will also be the issue.

Finally, there's landing on Mars. If you haven't watched the Perseverance landing video, go do so. Watch at the 20 meter mark.

Look at the sheer amount of dust being kicked up by the sky crane's thrusters. As Mars doesn't have enough atmosphere, likely, for a horizontal landing or takeoff, this is going to be a problem for everyone landing on Mars, whether coming in from orbit or flying between settlements.

You ain't landing on visual. Landing a craft on Mars is going to be by instrument, with all the extra challenges that creates.

(I think this supports my implication in Transpecial that passenger transit on Mars is mostly by maglev...)

(Also, could all that static electricity be harvested somehow?)

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