Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Spyfall Reactions (Spoilers)

So, first let's get this out of the way.

Spyfall was the best Jodie Whitaker story so far, and the best story written by Chris Chibnall.

It reminded me of Russell C. Davies' work - the same sense of painting on a grand canvas. Whitaker was absolutely fantastic. So was...okay, and we're straight into spoiler territory. Hopefully the cut works properly.


I am both absolutely thrilled by Sacha Dhawal as the new Master and profoundly disappointed. Dhawal was literally my first personal choice to follow Whitaker as the Doctor.

But he left so many dental marks on the scenery it was perfect. Over the top, unhinged, and with the physicality that would have made him a good Doctor, but really makes him convincing as the "opposite number" too.

The Master's grand, convoluted plan in alliance with extra-dimensional aliens was bound to fail, but he may have revealed its real purpose in dialogue "I needed to get your attention."

The chemistry between him and Whitaker was perfect (although I do hope that the BBC isn't going to make the potentially cowardly decision of making the Master always the opposite sex from the Doctor from now on. Guys, we're going to ship them regardless, accept it and let them be bisexual like Time Lords really should be). Dhawal gave a very strong impression that his Master is thoroughly in love with the Doctor. I want to see them somehow end up having to dance at a grand party. His performance led me to a realization: The Doctor is over their relationship, whatever it was. The Master is not.

And we blew up Gallifrey again. We all know that blowing up Gallifrey sticks as well as killing the Master (or trapping him in another dimension. He's going to be out soon enough and he's going to be pissed). This time the Master claims responsibility but I don't buy it. I don't buy that he had the capability and I don't buy that he would destroy the fountain of youth. After all, the one thing the Master cares about...is the Master. He wants to live forever.

So, my fan theory as to what's really going on:

The Master finds Gallifrey destroyed. It clearly has something to do with this "Timeless Child." He can't fix it.

So because he's the Master and it would be beneath his arrogant dignity to ask for help, he puts together a convoluted cry for help that, of course, threatens the Doctor's favorite aliens. Us.

My guess is that this series will end with them working together to fix whatever really happened.

Obviously I could be wrong. I'm not familiar enough with Chibnall's other work to make a good prediction.


And the nod to "Logopolis" was fantastic. Who got it?

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