Tuesday, August 7, 2018

California Ho! Day One - San Francisco

I'm being a travel blogger. Ish. Mostly just thoughts on the trip.

We had an early-ish flight to San Francisco and ended up getting there about 2pm. Our plan for the afternoon? Classic tourist fare - walk across the Golden Gate Bridge and back (biking is the obvious alternative).

Figured the freighter...and the ubiquitous fog...would give some idea of the scale. There are bigger bridges, but there's something about the art deco style of the Garden Gate.

Or maybe it's just that this is, after all, StarFleet headquarters. San Francisco itself is a city I could live in - if it wasn't so hideously expensive. Everything you could dream of in a major city, and a short bus ride and you're in Marin County where there's basically nothing.

But hideously expensive. Finding a hotel room for less than $300/night was challenging. We grabbed some food in Chinatown, eating at a randomly-chosen restaurant. Which is pretty much good enough in San Francisco's Chinatown.

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