So, first off, I have a story, "Living Yesterday" in 99 Tiny Terrors, which is an anthology of horror flash edited by the wonderful Jennifer Brozek and published by Pulse Publishing.
The book will be released some time in the third quarter of 2021. I don't have an exact date yet.
I also have a signed contract to publish "Homestead" in this year's Triangulation anthology, and a signed contract to publish "For the Sake of a Dandelion" in an as yet untitled anthology from Lagrange Books.
And while it's not signed yet, "Song of Starlight" has been accepted by Analog.
So, it's gotten pretty exciting around here.
The first draft of Tyranis, second in the planned Council of Worlds series, has almost reached 60,000 words, and once that's done I'll be editing Kyx then starting work on Glyn. It's taken a bit longer than planned, but it's moving forward.
Finally, I have my draft schedule for Balticon 2021, which will be held virtually.
Friday, 6pm, reading. I plan on reading from The Friar's Tale.
Saturday, 4pm, "Good First-time RPGs (that aren't D&D)."
Sunday, 1pm, "The Changing Role of Godzilla"
Sunday, 8:30pm, "Queerness in the CW's Superhero Universe"
Monday, 11:30pm, "Future Utopia or Tacitly Terrifying?"
This schedule is subject to potential change as we work out the last details of the con.